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Asset Management Associates provides Certified Machinery and Equipment Appraisals for a variety of client needs. Our USPAP (Uniform Standards of Professional Appraisal Practice) compliant appraisals are prepared by our Certified Appraisers. We have a large network of appraisers that we work with so you can rest assured that no matter what type of equipment you need appraised, our report will be thorough, accurate, and complete. We stay on top of USPAP’s continually changing guidelines to make sure our reports comply.

Certified Appraisal reports are required by the SBA, Lenders, IRS, Courts, and others. Only a Certified Appraiser who delivers a USPAP compliant report will withstand scrutiny because the data collected and reporting is

• Substantiated

• Irrefutable

• Defensible

We are familiar with and can prepare certified appraisals for one or a combination of value concepts including: Fair Market Value (FMV), Orderly Liquidated Value (OLV), and/or Forced Liquidated Value (FLV). Per USPAP, we utilize and research the 3 approaches to value: Cost Approach, Market Approach, and Income Approach.

Meet Our Appraisers

John Vervaeke